New Chapter Outreach Program - One on One Chapter Conference Calls

by Abigail Solazzo

New this volunteer year, ANFP is offering chapter leaders/board members the opportunity to meet one-on-one virtually with ANFP staff and Chapter Leadership Team (CLT) members to learn more about how we can better support you as chapter leaders. We hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to help us learn how to provide better service, develop more and better resources and explore how we can continue to work together, as chapter and national, to improve the membership experience and increase awareness of ANFP and the CDM, CFPP credential. 

Each call will be approximately 1 hour and includes select ANFP staff as well as a member of the Chapter Leadership Team, along with any chapter leaders/board members your chapter deems necessary. 

At this time, each chapter president has received an email that contained a link to a survey, asking if the board would like to schedule a one-on-one call. We ask that each chapter president take some time to discuss this with your fellow board members if you have not done so already and then reply with your response via the survey or contact us at If your chapter decides to opt-in to this offering, ANFP staff will contact all board members to determine a date and time for the call.  

If you have questions about this program, please contact Abigail Solazzo at