Linda Waite, CDM, CFPP
This month, we are featuring Linda Waite, CDM, CFPP, of the Illinois Chapter. Linda has been a member of ANFP since August 1989. She officially began her volunteer career in 1992 as the president-elect and has continued to serve in various roles throughout her years, including treasurer, secretary, and spokesperson as well as many other roles. In addition to these roles, she also served on the Government Affairs and Item Writer Committee and was a school liaison. Linda also volunteers with many local and state organizations including her church and the Lions Club.
As a volunteer and leader, Linda has always been one of the chapter’s ‘go-to’ members to answer questions, provide support and guidance, and offer encouragement for members that are interested in becoming involved with the chapter as a volunteer. Her consistent presence as a mentor, veteran member, and volunteer has positively impacted the chapter as a whole as well as individuals that are new to volunteering and the chapter.
As Linda continues to be involved with the chapter, she would like to see continued awareness of the chapter throughout the state to aid members’ careers. Additionally, she would like to see the chapter continue growing its membership through member engagement.
As a veteran volunteer, Linda suggests to those that may be hesitant to volunteer; jump in and get your feet wet. As a volunteer, you can network with peers and gain knowledge and leadership skills that meet challenges and contribute to your career. Linda believes an association is as strong as the member involvement and members' voices need to be heard, particularly those that may be hesitant of volunteering. She recommends starting in a role with some experience and working your way up from there.
Congratulations to Linda on her many years of success, dedication, and contributions as a CDM, CFPP and as an ANFP Volunteer! Thank you for all your hard work for your chapter and our association, Linda!
If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please e-mail Abigail Solazzo at (All nominations are confidential.)