Volunteer of the Month

by Abigail Solazzo

Carol Rice

Carol Rice, CDM, CFPP

This month we are featuring Carol Rice, CDM, CFPP, of the SD ANFP Chapter. Carol has been a member of ANFP since 1996 and started as a volunteer with the chapter in 2004 as the secretary.  In addition to her role as secretary, Carol as also served as the president (2014) and education chairperson, her most current volunteer role. Since becoming a volunteer and working on the board, she has gained knowledge and confidence that have allowed her to work on projects and tasks that serve all SD ANFP members.

Being a volunteer in the state chapter has been a great way for Carol to learn about working as a team and prioritizing training needs for members throughout the state.  Carol also believes that attending the chapter conferences has been a great opportunity to network and discuss challenges and solutions with other CDMs. She feels that members tend to get more from an experience by being together face-to-face, compared to watching webinars. Carol believes that even with the many benefits of technology, we may forget the benefits of human interaction and encourages members to get involved and attend meetings for this reason. SD AFNP hosts a spring and fall conference each year, both of which provide targeted trainings and sessions that are useful in their members’ daily work lives. Carol states that of all the conferences she has attended, the ANFP state and regional conferences have been of the most valuable in her career.

Carol enjoys her role and being involved from the aspect of a volunteer leader. She hopes to gather all SD ANFP members in one location for conferences in the future but encourages members to become more involved in the meantime. She believes everyone has valuable talents and skills that can help SD ANFP grow!

If you would like to nominate yourself or another volunteer, please email Abigail Solazzo at asolazzo@ANFPonline.org. (All nominations are confidential.)