CDM, CFPP of the Month - March 2015

Name: Karen Marker, CDM, CFPP
Job Title: Dietary Manager
Job Location: St Vincent Salem Hospital, Pekin, IN
Years at Current Facility: 31 Years
Years in Current Position: 26 Years
Job Title: Dietary Manager
Job Location: St Vincent Salem Hospital, Pekin, IN
Years at Current Facility: 31 Years
Years in Current Position: 26 Years
What are your main responsibilities in your position?
Train, educate and schedule staff, supervise the cost-effective operation for the department, visit andhelp patients with selective menus and make sure they are receiving the appropriate diet by working
with RD, post monthly café menus, follow department sanitation procedures, and maintain a clean,
sanitary working environment.
How did you get started in the foodservice industry?
I have always loved to cook. After I graduated and was looking for a job, I went to put in a applicationat the Salem Hospital looking for a cooking position. It just so happens I was interviewed the same
day. In need of a job, I started out as a dishwasher and worked my way up to CDM,CFPP.
What are the biggest challenges in foodservice and how do you handle them?
Maintaining and staying within the food budget. I continue to monitor every item purchased, makingsure our patients and café menu is within their dietary needs and budget. Very challenging.
What is your favorite part of your job?
Coming to work every day and seeing my staff, visiting patients, and working with associates outsidemy department.
How do you stay up-to-date with the current innovations and trends?
I love reading the articles in the Nutrition & Foodservice Edge, visiting the ANFP website, webinars,department meetings and conference calls, and being ServSafe.
What is your advice for those just getting started in the industry?
It is a lot of hard work, but by having the passion and being dedicated you will learn and grow in theindustry and as a person.