Making the Most of Your Membership

Use the resources below to make the MOST of your ANFP membership!

Top 10 Interview Tips

Download our Top 10 Interview Tips list below!


Upload a Headshot to Your ANFPConnect Profile

It is important to upload your headshot to your ANFPConnect profile so that others can see who they are communicating with on discussion posts. Follow the steps below to upload a photo:

  1. Log in at HERE (this is the same username/password that you use for
  2. Select the small arrow on the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select "Profile"
  4. Select "Actions"
  5. Select "Change Picture"
  6. Select "Choose File" and select an image from your device
  7. Select "Save"

Add Your CDM, CFPP Credential to your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a helpful resource to network with other foodservice industry professionals. Enhance your profile by adding your CDM, CFPP credential to your name. Follow the steps below to add the credential.

  1. Log in at
  2. Select your profile image on the left-hand side of the screen
  3. Select the pencil icon to the right of your profile image
  4. Add ", CDM, CFPP" after your last name in the "Last Name" field

Additionally, you can add this in a second area on your profile. Follow the steps below to add the CDM, CFPP certification area to your LinkedIn profile.

  1. Select "Add new profile section" on the right-hand side of the screen
  2. Select "Accomplishments"
  3. Select the plus (+) sign to the right of "Certifications"
  4. Complete the fields and select "Save"

Connect with ANFP and ANFP Members on Social Media

ANFP has various social media channels to help keep you up to date with new events, activities, continuing education, and more. Follow or “Like” ANFP on the following social media channels to get started:

In addition, ANFP’s Foundation, the Nutrition & Foodservice Education Foundation (NFEF), and Safe Food for Seniors Initiative (SFS), also have individual Facebook pages to update you on various grant and scholarship opportunities, regulation changes, and more. Follow NFEF and SFS on Facebook today.

Download and Utilize the ANFP Member Toolkit

ANFP has created a series of images that you can use on your social media accounts and within your e-mail signature to showcase your ANFP membership and pride in being an expert in foodservice management and food safety.
