Volunteer of the Month

by Abigail Solazzo

Clara Poole, CDM, CFPP

This month we are recognizing Clara Poole CDM, CFPP, of the Florida (FL) ANFP Chapter. Clara has been certified since 1989, and began her volunteer career with ANFP in 2015. She started assisting the district and state by recruiting speakers and helping with securing donations for both. She was then elected as a district president, and eventually was elected to the state chapter president role in 2021, which she continues to serve in today. 

During her robust career, starting as a server in the hospitality industry, and then moving into the foodservice and healthcare field, she received recognition and awards for her exemplary work, including the Riverchase Rehab Center Pillars of Excellence Manager of the Year Award in 2010. 

Clara’s positive impact continues today with the FL ANFP chapter where they have built a new board and recently taken part in the pilot program with the new online banking platform, Crowded. Yet with the positive changes for the chapter, Clara would still like to see membership grow with more foodservice managers becoming CDM, CFPPs within the state. She would also like to see current CDM, CFPPs step into volunteer roles and eventually hand over the reins of leadership to new board members. Clara would also like to see the chapter hold meetings consistently at the state level. 

We thank you Clara! Your determination and perseverance has revitalized the chapter and provided services and support to the members of FL. Thank you for all you do! 

We’d like to recognize you and your fellow chapter leaders as our Volunteers of the Month in 2024. Please send your nominations (which can include yourself) to asolazzo@ANFPonline.org