Contribute to ANFP-PAC

CDMs Cultivating Roots

Show your support of CDMs cultivating ROOTS by donating to the ANFP-PAC today! Together we will cultivate, grow and REAP!


Who may contribute to ANFP-PAC?

By law (the Federal Election Campaign Act), ANFP members are eligible to make contributions to the association’s Political Action Committee, ANFP-PAC. Members include professional, certified, retired, and allied professional members.

How much may I contribute to ANFP-PAC and who do I make my contribution to?

ANFP-PAC may receive up to $5,000 per year from any one individual. Contributions in excess of $200 must be reported to the Federal Election Commission with the identifiable information requested on the ANFP-PAC Contribution Card. Contributions should be made payable to ANFP-PAC and mailed to:

406 Surrey Woods Drive,
St. Charles, IL 60174

Is my Contribution Tax Deductible?

A donation to ANFP-PAC, although not tax deductible, gives ANFP members a voice in Washington. Your ANFP-PAC donation will help ANFP in its mission to provide optimal safety and nutritional care to our nation’s elderly.

How is my Contribution Used?

Voting records and positions of prospective recipients of ANFP-PAC funds are carefully reviewed by the ANFP Government Affairs Committee, ANFP Chief Executive Officer, Government Affairs Staff Liaison, and the Legislative Counsel, who then decide how to allocate ANFP-PAC funds. Input from ANFP members who know local candidates is welcome and encouraged.

Who do I Contact if I Have Questions?

Questions regarding how to support ANFP-PAC, should be directed to Mindy Theesfeld.

ANFP-PAC could not exist without the voluntary contributions of its members. It is the one way our Association stands united in its support of pro-ANFP political candidates. It always means more to a politician if a substantial contribution is made from an organization representing thousands of members across the country. ANFP-PAC is a member service of ANFP and is only as effective as the resources contributed by members.

ANFP-PAC is an important strategic tool that can be used to promote The Safe Food for Seniors Initiatives on Capitol Hill. It is the voice of ANFP in Washington - its strength lies in the number of members who contribute. Stand united by making a voluntary contribution to ANFP-PAC today!

ANFP-PAC is a committee registered with the Federal Election Committee (FEC) and a copy of the ANFP-PAC report is available upon request. Corporate contributions cannot be accepted; only personal contributions can be made to ANFP-PAC. Contributions to ANFP-PAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.