About Our Chapter

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ANFP Chapter Contact Form

Statement of Core Values

Professionalism: ANFP members are leaders who demonstrate the highest standards of their profession, adhere to a code of ethics, and pursue lifelong learning.

Integrity: ANFP members demonstrate pride in their work and are respected members of the leadership team.

 ANFP members are advocates for those they serve and demonstrate that they care about their health and quality of life.

Best Practices: ANFP members implement nutrition and foodservice best practices and impart that knowledge to those they serve and lead.


Board of Directors

  • President
    Ms Nicola L. Burke, CDM, CFPP
    Lynn Haven, FL
  • President Elect
    Ms Nicola L. Burke, CDM, CFPP
    Lynn Haven, FL
  • Secretary
    Mrs Dawn S. Gill, CDM, CFPP
  • Treasurer
    Mr Timothy Wardell Schoonmaker, MBA, CEC, CCA, CDM, CFPP
    Bradenton, FL
Each ANFP chapter is registered as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization with the IRS. Chapters are volunteer-driven.  Officers and committees promote the benefits of being active locally, such as growing a professional network and developing leadership skills. Chapter leaders are essential to the success and growth of the CDM and the industry.

Chapter Bylaws


The History of Florida ANFP

In 1965, the Florida Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals (ANFP) chapter was formerly known as Florida HIEFSS (Hospital Institution Education Food Service Society) and began with 10 members sent in from other states. Ruby Puckett R.D. was appointed by the Florida Dietetic Association to organize the chapter in Florida and the state appointed Marge Knapp RD, (Registered Dietitian) and Marion Aspinwall RD, to work and support Ruby as they got the chapter up and running. Ruby and Marion continued to serve as consultants, advisers, and teachers to many members throughout the years.

During the forming stages of the chapter, each RD was given a course outline from American Dietetic Association (ADA) and assigned students. During the course, the 10 students along with the RD’s, held its first organizational meeting in Orlando. When the course ended in 1965, the graduating class held its first meeting in St. Petersburg at the Princess Martha Hotel, when Vera Maclean served as President, and Ruth Jackson as Secretary/Treasurer. At this time, Florida ANFP had to combine their meeting with the ADA.

In 1967, Marie Walker served as President and began to promote the scholarship program. In 1969 the chapter, held its first State Meeting in Orlando when RD advisers were required to attend all district and state meetings.

Florida continued to grow until it became the state with the largest membership in the nation, and in 1970 the Florida chapter held its first National Convention in Ft. Lauderdale.

In 1972, The Marie Walker Scholarship Foundation was created, which has been sponsored by Lemon-X for the last 14 years, joined by Vitality Beverages in 2006. Since the scholarship was created, many students have benefited from the program.

Then, in 1984, the HIEFSS officially became known as the (Florida) Dietary Managers Association.

The last Florida National Convention was in 1993 in Orlando. In 1995, the chapter set up its first website and in 1996 The State Banner was reconstructed.

In 2005, the chapter celebrated its 40th Anniversary and honorees included: Marian Aspinwall RD and Ruby Puckett RD. Marian had retired since (now deceased), but Ruby continues as the program director for the Dietary Managers Program at Gainesville University of Florida’s correspondence and online course.

More recently, the Dietary Managers Association became known as the Association for Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals (ANFP), as it is currently recognized today.

Florida ANFP has produced two National Chairs (presidents) Betty Deeter CDM, CFPP and Shirley Williams CDM, CFPP, and three Directors at Large: Lothar Sache CDM, CFPP (deceased), Janet Gonter CDM, CFPP (deceased), and Dorinda Carwell CDM, CFPP.

Through the years Florida ANFP has changed from 17 districts to 7, to form larger and more successful districts. Florida ANFP has been the proud winner of the following awards: Platinum State Achievement, Membership, Government Affairs, and Newsletter.