About Our Chapter

2023 Diamond Award Winner
This year’s Diamond Award recipient, Georgia (GA) ANFP’s primary focus was paying it forward and building a legacy of a chapter that continually gives back.When a neighboring chapter asked the GA ANFP leaders for guidance and support to help with rebuilding their own chapter, the Diamond award-winning chapter did not hesitate to provide guidance, support, and assistance to ensure another chapter was successful. Led by the GA ANFP chapters leaders, the chapters joined forces and hosted a multi-state virtual meeting to serve nearly 1,400 members within the region. They have also continued to provide one on one mentoring and training for the other chapter leaders throughout this process to ensure their chapter remains sustainable.
In addition to mentoring neighboring chapters, GA AFNP sponsored a cookie drive for the Robins Spouses Club & Philanthropic Association and the Air Men of the Warner Robbins Airforce Base and that were not able to leave the base during the Christmas holiday. The chapter stepped up by donating cookies and funds to help the cookie drive. In the end they donated over 2,400 or 200 dozen cookies as well as a cash donation of $300.00. Because of the chapter’s actions and generosity, they were able to support their fellow ANFP chapters to the benefit of their members, as well as their communities and local organizations.
2012 Diamond Award Winner
This year’s Diamond Award recipient was Georgia (GA) ANFP! Congratulations GA ANFP!Need to contact your local ANFP Chapter?
Per our confidentiality policy, ANFP chapter leaders/volunteers contact information is not made public. If you have a chapter related question, comment, or request, please click the red button below and fill out the Chapter Contact Form. Your request will be sent to the appropriate individuals.
Statement of Core Values
Professionalism: ANFP members are leaders who demonstrate the highest standards of their profession, adhere to a code of ethics, and pursue lifelong learning.
Integrity: ANFP members demonstrate pride in their work and are respected members of the leadership team.
Advocacy: ANFP members are advocates for those they serve and demonstrate that they care about their health and quality of life.
Best Practices: ANFP members implement nutrition and foodservice best practices and impart that knowledge to those they serve and lead.
Board of Directors
Mr Ferrlando Felix Jones, CDM, CFPP
Milledgeville, GA
President Elect
Ms Regina M. St Clair, CDM, CFPP
Douglasville, GA
Ms Ariel Womack, CDM, CFPP
Milledgeville, GA
Mr Mark Riley, CDM, CFPP
Valdosta, GA
Treasurer Elect
Tony L Lassic, CDM, CFPP
Newnan, GA
Ms Ariel Womack, CDM, CFPP
Milledgeville, GA
Newsletter Editor
Ms Ariel Womack, CDM, CFPP
Milledgeville, GA
Nominating Committee
Ms Rita D. McCrary, CDM, CFPP
Jonesboro, GA
Brand Ambassador
Ms LaToya Preston, CDM, CFPP
Tucker, GA
Each ANFP chapter is registered as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization with the IRS. Some chapters are divided into smaller areas called districts. Chapters and districts are volunteer driven. Officers and committees promote the benefits of being active locally, such as growing a professional network and developing leadership skills. Chapter leaders are essential to the success and growth of ANFP.
District Officers
Atlanta District
President:Ronald Scott CDM, CFPP
Grayson, GA
Barbara Runkles CDM, CFPP
Temple, GA
Caroline Estime CDM, CFPP
Tampa, FL
Carolyn Ford CDM, CFPP
Atlanta, GA
Canoochee District
President:Shirley Singleton CDM, CFPP
Lyons, GA
Becky Livingston CDM ,CFPP
Lumber City, GA
Emily Wilson CDM, CFPP
Augusta, GA
Sharon Clark CDM, CFPP
Glennville, GA
The Canoochee District meetings will be held at RJ’s Restaurant in Statesboro.
Oconee District
President:Kathy Henry CDM, CFPP
Pam Massey CDM, CFPP
Mary Crunkleton
Pam Turpin CDM, CFPP
Charlie Mahoney
Past President:
Sharon Ayers CDM, CFPP
Our meetings are held at Cobb Center on Turner Street in Royston, GA 30662. It is an all day meeting with 6 clock hours.
Chapter Bylaws
Ocumlgee District
President:Sue Courson CDM, CFPP
Martha Batchelor CDM, CFPP
Shelia Dayton CDM, CFPP
Margie Widner CDM, CFPP
Sowega District
President:Gayle Tucker CDM, CFPP
Sherlene Johnson CDM, CFPP
Sherlene Johnson CDM, CFPP
Terry Sirmans CDM, CFPP
Districts boundaries are by zip codes. If you are not sure of your district, please call one of these District Presidents.