ANFP Dialogue - News & Notes for ANFP Training Program Faculty

Dear Program Directors,

Here are some updates that you should keep in mind!

1:1 Program Director call with Professional Development Manager

We had our first Program Director video call on November 13th, 2023. Our topic was the ANFP Youth Apprenticeship Program. Our next call will be in February, 2024. Be on the lookout for a survey poll to determine the date, time, and topic.


As mentioned above, our Program Director video call in November was a success! The outcomes of the meeting included:

  1. ANFP will plan to ensure schools get a list of students who complete their on-the-job experience so the school can provide accurate program completions numbers to their state.
  2. ANFP will investigate the option of getting an official Department of Labor seal for schools to use when marketing their programs.
  3. More clarification is coming on a pathway definition that may include the Apprenticeship Program.
  4. Communication will come out quarterly via email regarding Apprenticeship enrollment, updates, progress of students.
  5. Make sure to check the Instructor Resource Center for downloadable materials related to the ANFP Apprenticeship Program!

Exam Statistics

Keep an eye on your email in December for the biannual exam statistics report. This report helps approved programs measure the success of their program. The reports provide statistical exam results and compare those results to the national average scores.


Annual Maintenance Fee

Annual school maintenance fees were due December 1st. To maintain approved status, all fees must be paid no later than January 31, 2024. If you have already paid your dues, thank you! 

Remember, ANFP does not accept checks for payment. Please contact to pay online.
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Dawn Teubner
Cindy Zemko, BS, CDM, CFPP
Debbie Eck, MA, RDN
Professional Development Manager
Cindy Zemko, BS, CDM, CFPP
Vice President, Professional Development & Member Services

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Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals | 800.323.1908
PO Box 3610 | St. Charles, IL 60174