My Recipe for Success - November 2022

Janice Hemel, CDM, CFPP

Dighton, KS
ANFP Member since: 1992

Janice Hemel, CDM, CFPP

Janice Hemel, CDM, CFPP, has been a member of ANFP and a CDM, CFPP since 1992. She recently retired after serving the Lane County Hospital in Dighton, Kansas for 32 years. Currently, she is the Parliamentarian for the ANFP Kansas State Board of Directors and a mentor for the members of Kansas.  She has held all offices but Treasurer for the State of Kansas ANFP and all the offices for West District ANFP. She has been the Kansas CDM of the Year and recently was the ANFP Legacy Award winner.  

Janice’s Recipe for Success 


Make lists. Each day before leaving work, make a list of what you would like to get done. Then, prioritize the list so the most important parts get done. We all know that things come up and we do not get our list done or may forget something that has to be done. 

Keep a promise. Always do what you say you will. If you have something come up that makes it impossible, let that person know that it will not be done and when it can be. 

Always give credit to whom it belongs. If you did not do it, commit to telling the right person and then do so. 

Walk the walk. Do not expect someone to do what you cannot do. Be the example. 

Be thankful.
Thank everyone for a good day. Be appreciative.

Smile and be positive. It may be a hard or difficult day, but others do not need to know that.  Don’t bring everyone else down. 

Always say “good morning” and “goodbye” to your staff. Respect them. 

We all have a lot to do in a day, so see if others need help. A break from whatever you are doing always helps. Do something for someone else, then go back to what you were doing. 

Be polite. What can I do for you? How may I help you? “Yes sir” or “No ma’am”. 

Always put others first. It may be hard but leave yourself last unless absolutely necessary. If that’s the case, say, “I need to do this and then will be right back to help”. 

Have faith. God does provide. Put each day in his hands.  

Live by the Tim McGraw song…Humble and Kind. You will go far with that frame of mind. 

View the archive of My Recipe for Success articles at 

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Have you spent a career in foodservice? Share your wisdom and advice in a new feature from ANFP. My Recipe for Success is aimed at retired members or those who have spent a long career in foodservice. Share the biggest lessons you’ve learned to a lengthy, fruitful, and successful career in the non-commercial foodservice industry. 

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My Recipe for Success Archive

January 2021 - Dorothy Radermacher, CDM, CFPP
March 2021 - Wanda Dickson, CDM, CFPP
May 2021 - Tom Thaman, CDM, CFPP
July 2021 - Chef Richard "Nick" Nickless, CEC, CCA, AAC, CDM, CFPP
September 2021 - Karen Swift, CDM, CFPP
November 2021 - Paula Bradley, CDM, CFPP
January 2022 - Deborah McDonald, CDM, CFPP
March 2022 - Trish De Leo, CDM, CFPP
May 2022 - Deb Dawson, CDM, CFPP
July 2022 - Rosalind Davis, CDM, CFPP
September 2022 - Ken Owens, CDM, CFPP