ANFP-PAC Donation Policy

ANFP-PAC-logo (web, electronics, has bckgrnd)

By law (the Federal Election Campaign Act), ANFP members are eligible to make contributions to the association’s Political Action Committee, ANFP-PAC. Members include professional, certified, retired, and allied professional members.

All donations (contributions) must be from personal funds using cash, check, or credit card and must be accompanied with a PAC donation form. This form must include full name, address, e-mail address, ANFP membership ID number, and signature. (Contributions are not tax deductible.)

Please note that chapters themselves cannot contribute to ANFP-PAC. Individual contributions of $50 or less must be forwarded within 30 days; contributions exceeding $50 must be forwarded within 10 days. Also, because corporations are prohibited from contributing to ANFP-PAC, chapters should not accept such contributions from vendors at state meetings.

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